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Mini Wonton Tangsuyuk

Mini Wonton Tangsuyuk

  1. Heat a large skillet or wok. In batches, pan-fry bibigo™ Pork & Vegetable Mini Wontons with cooking oil according to package directions. Transfer to a baking tray and place in the oven at 200°F to keep warm.
  2. Add enough cooking oil to coat the bottom of the hot skillet or wok. Add carrot slices and stir-fry for 1 minute. Next, add bell pepper chunks and stir-fry for another minute. Then, add onion chunks with a pinch of salt, and stir-fry for an additional 1 minute. Remove from heat and set aside.
  3. In a small bowl, whisk together 2 tbsp water with cornstarch to form a cornstarch slurry. Set aside.
  4. Bring ¾ cup water and pineapple juice to a simmer in a small pot. Add sugar and stir to dissolve. Add apple cider vinegar, soy sauce, and a pinch of salt and stir to combine. Add the cooked vegetables and pineapple. Bring to a gentle boil, then give the cornstarch slurry another whisk before adding to the pot. Stir contents of the pot until the sauce becomes homogenous and syruppy. Remove from heat.
  5. Transfer mini wontons to a serving bowl and pour sauce and vegetable mixture on top. Garnish with sesame seeds.

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